The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 六祖坛经

The Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra; or simply the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Chan Patriarch Master Huineng (638-713); is an important sutra which examines the essence of the Mind and the Buddha-nature, or the Self-nature (自性). Self-nature is also non-self (anatman), and it is also Buddha-nature.

In Mahayana sutras, the Buddha also used the term Self-nature to speak about the Buddha-nature. This does not contradict the notion of non-self, provided that if one understands what each term means. One can also read the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra to understand this point.

Master Huineng famously described the qualities of the Self-nature (Buddha-nature):

What is the Self-nature (Buddha-nature)? It is originally pure in itself.
What is the Self-nature? It is neither created nor destroyed.
What is the Self-nature? It is originally complete in itself.
What is the Self-nature? It is originally unmoved.
What is the Self-nature? It can give rise to all dharmas.
(“all dharmas” means all physical and mental phenomena; everything in existence.)
何期自性? 本自清净。

This is a significant sutra in Chan Buddhism. Remember: the Buddha Dharma is One, and so all sutras can also be used to explain the Pure Land Dharma. Namo Amituofo.

You can find a link to an English translation of the sutra by A.F.Price and Wong Mou-Lam here.

You can also download a pdf of the the Buddhist Text Translation Society’s translation here with the commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association.

Master Huineng’s body has been well-kept since he entered Parinirvana 1300 years ago at the reputable Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. Please note that this body was kept intact without any preservatives nor was it kept in a vacuum. It was entirely due to the great vow of Master Huineng that the body could remain for so long. When the Japanese invaded China they cut a hole in the back of the body and witnessed that the organs were still naturally preserved. They were so surprised, they didn’t dare to destroy it. During the Cultural Revolution in China, the body was almost destroyed, but thankfully it was hidden away by the temple’s resident monk and later restored. To this day, people can still see the body of Master Huineng, even after his passing into Parinirvana 1300 years ago.  


The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra 大般涅槃经


The Śūrangama Sūtra 楞严经