The Lotus Sutra 法华经

The Lotus sutra (The Lotus Sutra of the Wondrous Dharma 妙法莲华经)is one of the most prominent sutras in Mahayana Buddhism. Together with the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Surangama Sutra, they are called the King of all sutras. In Chinese Buddhism, there is a saying that to understand the Lotus Sutra, one can realise Buddhahood (成佛的法华). 

In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha talks about how he came to this world to really teach the One Vehicle, that is, the path to Buddhahood, the Buddha vehicle (Buddhayana). In the past, he taught three vehicles (Sravakayana, Pratyekabuddhayana and Bodhisattvayana). However, all those paths were skilful means. In fact, there is only one path, one vehicle: the Buddhayana (the path to Buddhahood). The Buddha explains that if he had revealed this single path from the beginning, many would have felt incapable of following it (as it is long and difficult). Therefore, he devised a skilful method to accommodate them, teaching a shorter and simpler path to the nirvāṇa of the arhat. Now, he is revealing that there is only one path and that that path is available to all.

In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha also reveals that in fact he had realised Buddhahood countless eons ago (not just in this lifetime as prince Siddhartha, this was simply one of his many performances/skilful means). The Buddha further explains that he had never really entered Parinirvana (only for people with lesser roots (dull faculties) he displayed Parinirvana (Nirvana without the physical body), but in fact he merely disappeared for people with lesser roots, who cannot see, so that they will be diligent in cultivating the Dharma by deeply understanding impermanence. In fact, the Buddha has never really left us; the Buddha is still in this world and all other worlds to expound the Dharma. The Buddha’s lifespan is countless and immeasurable (see Chapter 16: the Lifespan of the Tathagata).


The Lotus Sutra can also be considered as a Pure Land sutra as the Pure Land path is the One Buddha Vehicle (Buddhayana) - for those who aspire to attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land in this lifetime, they are destined to realise the perfect enlightenment as they will obtain infinite life and will be under the guidance by the best teacher such as Amitabha Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva and other fully realised enlightened beings. To attain rebirth in the Pure Land is like a fast track towards realising Buddhahood.

The Lotus Sutra also mentions about Amitabha Buddha and His Land of Ultimate Bliss, how in a past life Amitabha Buddha and Shakyamuni Buddha were brothers (both were princes, son to the Buddha Victory of Great Pervasive Wisdom, the Buddha who used to be a king, had 16 princes, one of them was Amitabha Buddha, and the 16th prince was Shakyamuni Buddha [see Chapter 7 of the Lotus Sutra].

The Lotus Sutra also mentions that for those who accept, uphold and practise in accordance with it, one can also be reborn in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land at the time of death if they aspire to [see the complete version of the Lotus Sutra - Chapter 28 The Bodhisattva of King of Medicine) .

In the Lotus Sutra the Buddha also mentioned the immeasurable merit that one will obtain by believing in even a single verse from the Lotus Sutra, and also the horrible karmic retribution one will suffer if one doesn’t believe or even mock at people who upholds the Lotus Sutra.


Relevant materials:

You can read about what happens briefly in the Lotus Sutra from this article here. (please note there is a mistake in the article, a Pratyekabuddha will be a Pratyekabuddha, not an arahant, the level of a Pratyekabuddha is actually a bit higher than an Arahant, not really equivalent).

You can download a pdf copy of the Lotus Sutra here (this is a wonderful and easy-to-read version translated by JC Cleary although it is not the complete version yet, missing four chapters in the end). For complete English Version of the Lotus Sutra, please download it here. For the complete Chinese version of the Lotus Sutra, please view it here.

The twenty-fifth chapter of the Lotus Sutra - “The Universal Gate of Bodhisattva Guanyin” introduced the great compassionate Bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara) in which she can manifest in countless different forms and help liberate sentient beings from danger and suffering if one remembers to recite Her name when encountering danger - “Namo Guanshiyin Pusa” (南无观世音菩萨). You can download a pdf copy here.

You can also watch the wonderful animations on the Lotus Sutra with English subtitles below for ease of understanding. Amituofo.

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Below is the beautiful English recitation of the Lotus Sutra (all 28 chapters). You can choose to watch the recitation in full or in separate chapters. Amituofo.


The Fundamental Vows of Earth Store (Ksitigarbha) Bodhisattva Sutra 地藏菩萨本愿经


The Universal Gate Chapter on Bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) 观世音菩萨普门品