Medicine Buddha Sutra 药师经

The Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of healing and medicine in Mahayana Buddhism. He is described as a doctor who cures suffering using the medicine of the Buddha’s teachings. Medicine Buddha is usually depicted as holding a medicine jar in his hands. If you visit a Mahayana temple, you will usually see the trinity of the Buddhas with Shakyamuni Buddha in the centre, Amitabha Buddha to the left and Medicine Buddha to the right.

Medicine Buddha (Bhaiṣajyaguru) is the Buddha in the Eastern Pure Land of Lapis Lazuli (Vaiḍūryanirbhāsa, 东方琉璃世界). His major assistants are Bodhisattva Moonlight (Candraprabha, 月光菩萨) and Bodhisattva Sunlight (Sūryaprabha, 日光菩萨).

The Sutra of the Medicine Buddha’s Fundamental Vows (药师琉璃光如来功德本愿经) detailed how in the past Medicine Buddha made twelve great vows when he was a Bodhisattva, if one practises in accordance with the sutra, one can also attain rebirth in Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land, although the sutra did not specifically say exactly how one can attain rebirth in Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land, for the twelve vows made by Medicine Buddha, he also did not say he will come to receive sentient beings, unlike Amitabha Buddha’s fundamental vows, so to attain rebirth in Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land is not as easy as to attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land. The sutra talks more about the benefits and merit one will obtain in this lifetime by being mindful of the name of Medicine Buddha. (It is said if one recites the name of Medicine Buddha, and also always remember the Medicine Buddha Dharani, to cultivate good and make offerings to Medicine Buddha, one can also attain rebirth in Medicine Buddha’s Pure Land)

Interestedly, in the Medicine Buddha Sutra, Medicine Buddha also vows to assist beings to attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Western Pure Land. If one has karmic connection with Medicine Buddha and hear the name of Medicine Buddha, but vow to attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land, however, this person lacks a bit of faith/confidence in his rebirth, then Medicine Buddha will send 8 bodhisattvas to accompany this person at the time of death and guide him to the Western Pure Land (provided that if this person has taken the 8 precepts).

In Mahayana Buddhism, Shakyamuni Buddha told us there are countless worlds, countless Pure Lands (Buddha’s fields) and countless Buddhas in the ten directions (see sutras like the Avatamsaka Sutra).

However, Shakyamuni Buddha specifically recommends us to attain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in almost all the major Mahayana sutras. This is because Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land is the easiest to attain for all beings. Once one attains rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land, one can freely travel to all the worlds, all the Pure Lands in the ten directions, and one can realise Buddha the quickest in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land. That’s why Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land is praised by all the Buddhas Tathagathas in the ten directions, and all the Buddhas encouraged us to keep the mindfulness of the name of Amitabha Buddha and be reborn in His Pure Land.

You can read about the Medicine Buddha sutra here.


The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圆觉经


Ullambana (Yulanpen) Sutra 盂兰盆经