Mangala Sutta 吉祥经
The word "Mangala" means "blessing", "auspicious sign" or "good omen". In ancient India, people wanted to know what constituted a real blessing that makes life happy for them. This issue was even raised among deities (devas) in the heavenly planes. For twelve years the deities argued, debated and discussed about it. Some referred "blessing" as what is pleasurable to the senses - things that are pleasing to the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body. However, no satisfactory answer could be obtained.
Then devas of Tavatimsa heavenly realm approached Sakka, the leader of the devas, for his views. Sakka advised the devas to consult the Buddha. Thus in the middle of the night, a certain deity with his surpassing splendour, came to visit the Buddha at the monastery of Anāthapindika in Jeta’s Grove near Sāvatthi. He asked the Buddha for the true meaning of "blessing". In response, the Buddha delivered a discourse known as Mangala Sutta, in which thirty-eight highest blessings were enumerated.
Mangala Sutta is customarily chanted for blessings on auspicious occasions. Besides, these thirty-eight blessings are ethical and spiritual in nature, providing a step-by-step training on the journey of life. It contains Buddha’s advice and guidance for the ‘novice’ of life, and ultimately leads one to liberation from suffering.
Discourse on Blessings (Maha-mangala Sutta)
[Chinese] 如是我闻。[Chinese
[Pali] Ēvam mē sutam: (Pali)
[English] Thus have I heard:
Ēkam samayam Bhagavā Sāvatthiyam viharati Jētavanē Anāthapindikassa ārāmē,
On one occasion the Buddha was living near Savatthi at Jetavana at Anathapindika’s monastery.
atha kho añnatarā dēvatā abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkanta vannā kēvalakappam Jētavanam ōbhāsetvā, yēna Bhagavā tēnupasamkami.
When the night was dark, a certain deity, whose surpassing radiance illuminated the whole of Jetavana, came to the Buddha’s place.
Upasam kamitvā Bhagavantam abhivādetvā ēkamantam atthāsi.
respectfully saluted him, and stood aside.
Ēkamantam thitā khō sā dēvatā Bhagavantam gāthāya ajjhabhāsi.
Standing thus, he addressed the Buddha in verse:
Bahū dēvā manussā ca— mangalāni acintayum Ā kankhamānā sotthānam — brūhi mangala muttamam.”
Many deities and men longing for happiness have pondered on (the question of) blessings. Pray tell me what the highest blessings are.
世尊如是答言: “远离众愚迷,亲近诸智者,尊敬有德者,是为最吉祥。
Asēvanā ca bālānam — panditānam ca sēvanā Pūjā ca pūjanīyānam — ētam mangala muttamam.”
To stay away from the foolish and delusional, to be close to the wise, and to respect those worthy of respect (virtuous ones), this is the highest blessing.
Patirūpa dēsa vāso ca— pubbē ca kata puññatā Atta sammā panidhi ca— ētam mangala muttamam. ”
To reside in a suitable locality, to have performed meritorious actions in the past, and to set oneself in the right path — this is the highest blessing.
Bāhu saccam ca sippan ca — vinayo ca susikkhito Subhāsitā ca yā vācā — ētam mangala muttamam. ”
Vast learning, skilful in one’s job, well grounded in discipline, and pleasant speech — this is the highest blessing.
Mātā pitū upatthānam — puttadārassa sangaho Anākulā ca kammantā — ētam mangala muttamam. ”
To support one’s father and mother; to cherish one’s wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupations — this is the highest blessing.
Dānam ca dhamma cariyā ca — ñātakānam ca sangaho Anavajjāni kammāni — ētam mangala muttamam.”
Practising generosity according to the Dharma, helping relatives, and acting flawlessly — this is the highest blessing.
Ārati virati pāpā — majjapānā ca saññamo Appamādō ca dhammēsu — ētam mangala muttamam. ”
To cease and abstain from evil conduct, to abstain from intoxicating drinks, and diligent in practising the Dharma — this is the highest blessing.
Gāravō ca nivātō ca — santutth ca kataññutā Kālēna dhamma savanam — ētam mangala muttamam. ”
Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and the timely hearing of the Buddhadharma — this is the highest blessing.
Khant ca sōvacassatā — samanānam ca dassanam Kālēna dhamma sākacchā — ētam mangala muttamam. ”
Patience, obedience, meeting the Samanas (holy men), and timely discussions on the Dhamma — this is the highest blessing.
Tapō ca brahma cariyam ca— ariya saccā na dassanam Nibbāna sacchi kiriyā ca— ētam mangala muttamam. ”
Self-control, living a pure life, comprehension of the Noble Truths, and the realization of Nibbana — this is the highest blessing.
Phutthassa lōka dhammēhi— cittam yassa na kampati Asōkam virajam khēmam— ētam mangala muttamam. ”
The mind that is not touched by the vicissitudes of life, the mind that is free from sorrow and afflictions, peaceful and worry-free. — this is the highest blessing.
Ētādisāni katvāna — sabbatha maparājitā Sabbhattha sotthim gacchanti tam tēsam mangala muttamanti. ”
Those who follow this practice will be invincible everywhere and be blessed everywhere, this is the highest blessings. "
You can download a pdf here.
(Editor’s note: we edited the English translation above, so it’s a bit different from the pdf doc.)