“Where Is Amitabha Buddha”

Someone Asked

Is Amitabha Buddha in the West?

Answer: It’s both in the West and here and everywhere.

Is the Pure Land in the West?

Answer: It’s both in the West and here and everywhere.

When the mind is far from the Buddha, then Amitabha Buddha is far away, thousands of millions of Buddha-lands away from us.

When the mind is close to the Buddha, then Amitabha Buddha is not far from us.

When the mind is one with the Buddha, when one has the Buddha’s heart, one sees the Pure Land is here and everywhere one goes, our mind/heart creates the reality we live in. But this is difficult, extremely difficult for most beings on Earth. 

The Dharmakaya of Amitabha Buddha is everywhere like all Buddhas and all beings (we also share the same Buddha-nature with all Buddhas). The Pure Land is also boundless and limitless. 

At the state of the Buddha, one transcends time and space, all dharma realms are in one, freely accessible, past present and future are all in one moment. Totally free from the bound of time and space. 

With ordinary beings, the Buddha said to seek rebirth to the Pure Land, as our mind is still far away from the Buddha, with our deep-seated habits, attachment and separation, being deluded by the unreal “reality”, by all means, migrate to the Pure Land first, then one shall learn and realise the truth of life and the Universe.

Even the highest level of bodhisattvas go to the Pure Land to show us the path we ought to follow. 

Don’t forget the secret code

To all answers in life 

Namo Amituofo 

Namo Amituofo 

Namo Amituofo 


Multiverse Reality


Not Real Parents