The Unenlightened Enlightened

Will an enlightened being 

Knows he’s enlightened?

Yes, like someone who eats

And becomes full

One knows whether he’s full 

Or not 

Will an enlightened being

Thinks he’s enlightened?

No, even if one knows

One doesn’t give rise

To such thoughts

No such attachment 

If one becomes attached

And think “I’m enlightened”

Then one has the notion

Of the self (who thinks who

Becomes enlightened? Ego identity)

The notion of the sentient beings

(I’m enlightened, others are not)

Such attachment

Such separation 

Such thoughts 

Mean one is not enlightened 

A Stream-enterer

Doesn’t think

He’s a Stream-enterer

An Arhat doesn’t think

He’s an Arhat

A Bodhisattva doesn’t think

He’s a Bodhisattva 

Similarly a Buddha

Doesn’t think he’s a Buddha

(Diamond Sutra)

Those who said 

They are enlightened 

In the Dharma-ending age 

Stay far away from them 

So far away from


Mystical experiences are 

simply mystical experiences 

Do not mistake them

as signs of enlightenment 

Another layer of illusions 

Enlightenment is normal

If it happens

It happens naturally

And one has no such

Attachment nor the necessity 

To give rise to such thoughts

Attachment to 

Enlightenment is 

Still another attachment 

Another layer of illusions

In the end there’s nothing

To be attained  

Hence one attains


(Heart Sutra)





Waiting for You to Come Home


The Essence Of You Is The Same As The Essence Of The Universe