The Rich Poor Man

How miraculous 

How wonderful

How fantastic

Every being has

The same Buddha-nature

Be it humans, heavenly beings, animals, 

Ghosts, hell beings alike 

Yet how miserable 

Most beings don’t know it 

Or cannot see 

Like a poor man

Sitting on a great golden treasure 

Begging others for money

When he has everything already 

The richest man

In the world in fact 

How blind we are

How ignorant 

Not knowing 

All lies within 

Not being able to see

The great treasure within 

The search should always 

Begin from within

Do not seek it without 

For no one or anything 

can give you

Eternal happiness and bliss

But yourself

Everything lies within 

Your heart 

The boundless limitless

Heart i.e. the Buddha-nature 

Amituofo can help you 

To see it 

If you are willing to believe 

And recite His Name 

And go to His Land of Ultimate Bliss 





The Best Antidote For Everything

