Rebirth of The White Parrot of the Ming Dynasty

The white parrot was raised by a scholar from  Lingnan. Every morning, the parrot would recite Guanyin Bodhisattva’s name and the White-Robed Guanyin Mantra. Additionally, it could recite literary works such as Returning Home, Ode to the Red Cliffs, and poems by Li Bai*. Once, before the parrot finished its morning recitation, someone deliberately tried to prompt it to recite poetry. The parrot, however, remained silent and did not respond.

One day, it told its owner: “I came from the Western Pure Land, and I shall return to the Western Pure Land.” That very evening, the parrot attained rebirth peacefully.

- (Accounts of Sights and Sounds)

“All sentient beings have the Tathagatagarbha (or Buddha-nature). Even sentient beings in the three lower realms of existence, as long as they can be wholeheartedly mindful of Amitabha Buddha, then they will be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where they can see the Buddha and hear the Dharma. Observing the deeds of parrots and starlings, how can we not believe in this truth?

As stated in the sutras: ‘Better to endure the suffering of hell and hear the names of the Buddhas, than to enjoy boundless pleasures and not be able to hear the Buddhas’ names.’

Fortunate are we to be born as humans, with all six senses intact, yet some do not know to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name. Worse still, some even slander and disparage the Dharma. Such individuals are truly giving themselves up as lost! If this is the case, even though they have attained human birth, is it not a great pity?”

* Li Bai - a Chinese poet acclaimed as one of the greatest and most important poets of the Tang Dynasty and in Chinese history as a whole.

- Excerpt from ‘Records of the Pure Land Sages’


Rebirth of Chickens, Snakes, Cats, Monkeys, Sparrows, and Pigs of the Ming Dynasty


Rebirth of Chinese Starlings of the Song Dynasty