How To Not to Be Affected by Anything (Easily)

Life can be challenging as we have to face many different situations and deal with many different people. Sometimes, we can be easily affected by external circumstances and the actions of others. 

Before we look at how to not be easily affected by anything, maybe let's look at why we are being affected in the first place. 

We are being affected because we have the six internal senses - our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, in Buddhism, we also call these six roots. When the six roots come into contact with external sense objects, also known as six dusts as they can contaminate our minds. The six dusts are forms (whatever we see, all the phenomena are called the forms), sounds, smell, taste, touch and dharmas (dharmas mean everything in the world, both physical and mental). When our mind through the six roots come into contact with the six dusts, the external world, our mind will give rise to attachment and separation, likes and dislikes and that's why we suffer and are affected by things easily. 

So, how can we not be easily affected by these external factors? The answer lies in mindfulness - being fully present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings from moment to moment. However, practicing mindfulness is easier said than done. Sometimes we know about meditation or mindfulness practice, but we still cannot control ourselves, why is that? Because our deep-seated behaviours are strong but our practice is not strong enough. It’s really a moment-to-moment practice. Whenever we are not aware, we can be easily taken away. 

That's why Amitabha-recitation or Nianfo practice is an effective way to help us transform our negative thoughts into positivity due to the ease of application. If you want to be mindful from moment to moment, you really need the easiest method to do it. 

So, the next time you find yourself being affected by the six dusts, try practicing Amitabha-recitation or Nianfo meditation, immediately recite Amituofo Amituofo Amituofo or Amitabha Amitabha Amitabha to help you come back to the moment and just simply be aware, focusing on the name of Amitabha Buddha, on Infinite Light and Life, on our true nature, without being taken away by what's happening externally and our wandering thoughts. Over time, this practice can strengthen our ability to be mindful and not be easily affected by external circumstances.

By being mindful and practicing Amitabha-recitation, we can train our minds to not be easily affected by external factors and internal wandering thoughts. Remember to be diligent and consistent with your practice, our spiritual practice is moment-to-moment, not just once every day, and over time, you'll see the benefits of this simple approach. 

Namo Buddhaya

Namo Amitabhaya


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