How To Be Focused

In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to stay focused on what we want to do given we are bombarded with all kinds of information every day. With the rise of modern technology, we have access to vast amounts of information, which can be both a blessing and a curse. While we can easily access information to help us learn and grow, at the same time we can also be distracted and lose sight of what truly matters. In this article, we will discuss how mindfulness practice, particularly Nianfo (Amitabha-recitation), can help us stay focused in all areas of our lives.

Why We Can't Focus

If we don't have good training with our mind, our mind is easily scattered, and we can become easily distracted by external factors or what's happening inside of us. This can make it challenging for us to focus and be successful in our studies, career, or spiritual practice. To be able to focus and stay consistent and persistent with our efforts is the key to success provided that we are heading in the right direction. 

The Power of Nianfo Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool that can help us increase our focus and achieve success in our endeavors. Particularly the Nianfo meditation (Amitabha-recitation), is a simple yet effective practice that we can apply anywhere and anytime. By constantly reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha, we can filter out irrelevant thoughts, reduce distractions, and become more centred in the moment. 

How to Practice Nianfo 

One can literally practice Nianfo whenever and wherever due to the ease of practice. Simply begin by reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha repeatedly, focusing on your own sound and the name of Amitabha Buddha (which means Infinite Light and Life). Whenever your mind starts to wander or you find yourself being distracted by external factors or internal wandering thoughts, bring your attention back to the recitation of the Name, and do not be attached to what happens around you or within you. Simply perceive things as they are and focus on the name of Amitabha Buddha. 

The Benefits of Nianfo 

The more we practice Nianfo i.e reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha (Infinite Light and Life) repeatedly, the more we can train our minds to become less distracted and more focused. With time and practice, we can achieve a state of meditative concentration, which means the ability to perceive things as they are without being too attached to anything. This state of mind and concentration can be applied to all areas of our lives, helping us achieve success in our studies, careers, and spiritual practice.

Other Tips for Staying Focused

Apart from Nianfo meditation, there are other tips that we can follow to stay focused, such as turning off notifications on our mobile devices when we need to focus on something and taking breaks in between tasks. By knowing our attention span and setting breaks in between tasks, we can maintain our focus and achieve success in our endeavors.

Staying focused in today's fast-paced world can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Nianfo meditation, specifically Amitabha-recitation, can help us filter out irrelevant thoughts, reduce distractions, and achieve a state of meditative concentration if practiced diligently. With consistent practice, we can train our minds to become less distracted and more focused, helping us achieve success in all areas of our lives. So, you can take the first step towards staying focused by practicing Nianfo meditation today :) 

Namo Buddhaya

Namo Amitabhaya


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