FAQ: It seems risky that we need to be mindful of Amituofo at the time of death in order to guarantee rebirth? 

Rebirth is guaranteed not necessarily at the time of death. Rebirth is guaranteed now if you have deep faith and vow towards attaining rebirth in the Pure Land. Faith and vow are the most important. Faith and vow determine if we can attain rebirth or not, our level of practice (Nianfo) depends on our grade of rebirth (nine grades of rebirth). And with deep faith and vow, one practice Nianfo, one will definitely be mindful of Amituofo at the time of death. This is not a worry for Nianfo practitioners with deep faith and vow. It is only risky for people with little faith, vow, or practice. A metaphor from the sutra is that if a tree is towards leaning to the West, then when the tree dies, the tree will definitely fall for the West. Amituofo. 


FAQ: Do the ten recitations (or one recitation) mean at the time of death or anytime during our life? 


FAQ: How to generate deep faith in the Pure Land Dharma?